Monday, February 2, 2009

Musical Monday

First up, Lily Allen. She is a British singer who is amazingly honest and usually very funny in her lyrics. I loved most of the songs from her first album, Alright, Still. In honor of her new album coming out next week, here is her new single, which I think is awesome:

Lily Allen - "The Fear" (explicit lyrics)
Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and cussing each other
But it doesn't matter 'cause I'm packing plastic
And that's what makes my life so f*cking fantastic

This next song is by James Morrison, and I first heard it on One Tree Hill. I thought he sounded like Gavin DeGraw! I hadn't really listened to James' music much, but I should because I love this song. The lyrics are beautiful:

James Morrison - "Once When I Was Little"
Yeah I could dream more then , yeah I believed more then
That the world could only get better
Yeah I was free more then, I could pretend more then
That this life could only show me good times
Once, when I was little

Finally, a cute little song by a new artist I've recently discovered - Alessi's Ark. This is her single, and I believe that her debut album will be out within the next few months.

Alessi's Ark - "The Horse"
I was told kite flying's for lovers
I was told that we can't share the covers
If you'd like me to, I'll try to be brave like you.
I know you'd like me to, I'll try to be pretty too.

Enjoy! Let me know if you like them.



Andhari said...

Seriously, I like Lilly Allen. her voice, music and she is veryyyy cute.

Jeanette said...

I'm a big Lily Allen fan (I heard her new cd leaked) anyways, for some reason I get the vibe that not that many people like her, well her attitude I should say. Whenever I mention her or her music people usually say something along the lines of "What a bi***". I don't get it... I think it's because of Perez Hilton.

Melody! said...

Lilly I think is berry honest! She is free!

James is more than likely signing about stuff that is kind of like stuff that I blogged about last nite! Imagine that Mandy! Thank you! I don't feel so alone now hoping and wishing for past times!

Color me melancholy! I think I like Alessi girl!

So much to look at inside of me! Thank you for sharing these!

Amanda said...



She's stunning.

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