Monday, April 20, 2009

I live here, dangflabbit!!!

A FedEx delivery just came at this place where I'm housesitting. The puppy barked like crazy, like she always does when someone rings the doorbell. I went to answer the door:

FedEx Woman: Sign here please... don't let the dog out!
Me: It's okay, she's gated in with baby gates.
FedEx: Last name please?
Me: ******** (gives it, then explains) I'm housesitting.
FedEx: Oh, right. Are you from England?
Me: No, Australia. I live here now though.
FedEx: Oh nice. Enjoy your trip!!

Just another example of this stupidity crap I deal with all the time.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Countrify then hip-hop it!"

The Hannah Montana movie is finally out!! I saw it for the first time (yes, you read that right.. I will be seeing it again) on Monday and it was awesome. Really really cute.
So, in honor of Miss Miley and the gang, here is some of the music from the movie.

Hannah Montana - "Let's Get Crazy":

Billy Ray Cyrus - "Back To Tennessee":

Taylor Swift - "Crazier":

And, of course, Miley Cyrus - "Hoedown Throwdown":

Now, everyone go out and see the movie. ;p


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