Monday, April 20, 2009

I live here, dangflabbit!!!

A FedEx delivery just came at this place where I'm housesitting. The puppy barked like crazy, like she always does when someone rings the doorbell. I went to answer the door:

FedEx Woman: Sign here please... don't let the dog out!
Me: It's okay, she's gated in with baby gates.
FedEx: Last name please?
Me: ******** (gives it, then explains) I'm housesitting.
FedEx: Oh, right. Are you from England?
Me: No, Australia. I live here now though.
FedEx: Oh nice. Enjoy your trip!!

Just another example of this stupidity crap I deal with all the time.


Jeanette said...

Next time just shut the door in their face!

Miss JC said...

Okay seriously...I was in line at a store one time, and the girl noticed that my friend Jonna and I both had the same name. She said, "Oh that's weird, are you guys sisters?" Okay really? If we were sisters, would our parents give us the same name? WOW>

lauralcharles said...

LOLOLOL... I don't think that's really stupidity, just a rude lady not listening!!! I hope most Americans aren't like that! :(

Jeanette said...

Hey, just tagged you in a post! Check it out!

Sheri, RN said...

LOL People are odd most of the time, don't let it get to ya :)

Impulsive Addict said...

Maybe FedEx doesn't hire the college graduates or people who actually received a GED...

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